If you want to have an RSS feed automatically tweeted to your Twitter account as it is published you can use a service called TwitterFeed to do this. It allows you to customize how often to post on your behalf.
Twitter is a great resource to get extra traffic by posting all the RSS feed inside in just one click if you are a blog owner, or just to get more Twitter followers by twitting the RSS feed from popular blogs. To tweet RSS feed we will need the feed RSS Twitter tool, feed RSS Twitter is a beta version, and, feed RSS Twitter tool tweets from any WordPress RSS, feed RSS twittering tool does not support FeedBurner and other RSS grabbers feed, it tweets only originally syndicated RSS. So you can browse the web for your niche, for example, if you are twittering regularly about SEO, or you are promoting SEO products, you can search in google “SEO blog”, find their RSS URL ( http://someblog.com/feed or click on subscribe to full RSS feeds icon ), check out that RSS has original domain and not FeedBurner and another grabber, RSS URL should start with http://someblog.com, and not http://feedburner.bla.com...