Can you delete your ‘tweets’ on Twitter?
Yes! There is a little trash can icon to the right of your tweet once it’s in the feed. You can also favorite your tweets via the star icon.
Related Posts: is a group and community feature for Twitter (currently available only in Japan).
If you want to have an RSS feed automatically tweeted to your Twitter account as it is published you can use a service called TwitterFeed to do this. It allows you to customise how often to post on your behalf.
To link Twitter with Facebook, you must:
Step 1: Search for “Twitter” in Facebook's search field.
Step 2: The first result should be the one you are looking for.
Finding people that use Twitter who are interested in your niche is actually quite easy. You just have to get a little creative with a Twitter Search Engine.
You can not organize your twitter followers from Twitter. There is a utility called CrowdStatus that allows you to categorize your Twitter followers into crowds so you could have a crowd for work colleagues, another for family and so on.
It's always nice to know when people are talking about you. On the web and in the blogosphere you can setup a Google alert but that does not cover Twitter.
There are lots of ways. First of all if you have a web presence such as a website or blog, make sure you advertise your Twitter profile prominently.
If you need to change your Twitter username, you can do so by visiting your Twitter account Settings page and entering a new username in the Username box. Keep in mind, a Twitter username can only be 15 characters in length and cannot contain spaces.
One reliable source for the number of Twitter users is Twitdir. TwitDir is a Twitter users (some call them twitter’ers) directory.
Twitter Retweet (abbreviated as RT) is when you read a tweet in someone else's Twitter stream, if you like what that person says, you can share that tweet with more people.
To do so, simply copy and paste the original tweet and send it out.